The speech "Do what you want despite your hearing loss" reveals the life experiences of hearing impaired Johan Hammarström who used to be a young boy hiding his hearing aids under the desk and today is an adult with strong will and complete openness about his handicap. In the speech Johan also explains about the preparations of the world recognized expedtion, but also about his fight with the authorities to become a pilot - an exciting story that includes success as well as adversity. A today´s Charles Lindbergh! The speech is intended for young and old people as well as hard of hearing and hearing people. The speech has been a success at every single occasion it has been held so far (totally more than 30 occations!).
If you want to book Johan Hammarström for a speech at your own facilities, please contact him directly on .
Vidar Kvistum is the principal of Briskey skole which is one of the most famous hard of hearing schools in Scandinavia. Here are his thoughts about the speech:
I think that Johan´s speech at Briskey was very inspiring. The speech was
interesting from start till the end. Johan reached both the teachers and the
students who listened. He had a very personal attitude in the speech which
was very pleasant. By telling from his own experiences he gave much
confidence when he talked to other hard of hearing people. Johan showed that
it is possible to reach far if you commit to something, despite any
obstacles such as an hearing impairment.
The World Flight for Hearing project is very exciting and we will follow it
with great interest.
Vidar Kvistum, Principal of Briskey School in Norway