March 27: Austria to Cyprus and Israel
The repair of the aircraft completed on friday afternoon. Since we became more delayed out of Wiener Neustadt than we were planning in the beginning we chose to fly from Austria to Northern Greek and to the city of Thessaloniki before stopping for the night.
It felt good to fly south again, leaving the austrian alps in the sunset. The flight proceeded without any problems, the only thing that you are not used to is that the air traffic control does not have radar coverage at all places. Also the radio-coverage over the Albanien mountains was not perfect, after not hearing that much traffic on the frequency we got a relay call from an airliner flying on a much higher altitude which then talked to the controllers for us. When we got closer to the Greek border everything was OK again.
After a short nightsleep in Greece we headed for Larnaca in Cyprus, at the airport we met up with media and people from the parents organization for children with hard of hearing, we showed the aircraft for many interested small fellows with big smiles on their faces!
Visual approach to Larnaca
Johan and Henrik in Cypriotic TV
Many thanks to Chrisula (not sure about the spelling) and Chris Christodoulides at Chris Oto Medicare for taking good care of us!
Sunday morning we set course for the airport, I can tell you that sometimes it takes longer to get to the aircraft then doing the actual flight to the destination! =)
The Airport authority people were very friendly and helpful with us. I can tell it can be interesting with the administration you have to do, first visiting the Customs to get a stamp and a fuel customs declarations, refuel the aircraft, get a signature for the fuel for the customs, go back to customs to get another stamp, then go to immigration for a stamp, then go through security even if we came from the "inside", then go to AIS for flightplanning, and then go to the MET office for weather, and then to the aircraft…
We got a clearance and took off for the Ben Gurion airport in Israel and after a visual approach over the city of Tel Aviv to runway 30 we were received by Bedek Aviation who made the entry procedure very simple.
We had agreed on meeting two persons from the Israel hard of hearing organization BEKOL. Together with Ahiya and Yuval we traveled to Jerusalem. I must say that Jerusalem has made the biggest impression to me so far with all the interesting history, nice people and delicious food! Before we went to bed we did a quick tour in Jerusalem, discussing the history of Israel from the past to present days, a very interesting evening. Oh, forgot to mention that we also had a very tasteful Kurdish kosher dinner as well.
The security-controls in Israel are quite high, all public places such as restaurants and cafes have a security check similar to in the airports.
Today Johan has held two presentations, one in a highschool with a mixed group of hearing/hard of hearing students, quite a lot of people were gathered taking in the message of World flight for hearing in English, Hebrew and the sign language simultaneously!
Tonight BEKOL had arranged a gathering for their members to take part of WFH. The place was completely full of people including the Swedish ambassador deputy who was there in company with the Swedish military attaché. There were a lot of questions asked from a very interested audience.
Johan and Ahiya from BEKOL
Johan is getting a special membership in BEKOL after his presentation
The next stop on our flight around the world will be Sharm el Sheikh in Egypt, planned for Wednesday.
That’s all for now!
Written by Henrik
Posted by: Nils DackeDahlgren
Råkade läsa om er i Sundbybergsnytt häromdan. Kanon att få följa med på ert fantastiska äventyr. Alla piloters dröm att få göra en sån grej. Lycka till! Nästan döv gammal(70) pilot och flyglärare i Blekinge. Nils Dacke
Posted by: Johan Hammarström
Vad trevligt att du hittade sidan Peter och tack för hälsningarna Susanna! Lennart: vi har kommit i kontakt över epost nu så jag skriver ingenting mer angående det du nämnde i ditt inlägg. Ha det gott allihop! Mvh Johan
Posted by: Peter Björnström
Hej Johan, jag läste om dig i tidningen. Du lever din dröm och är ett stort föredöme. Respekt!
med vänliga hälsningar din gamla klasskamrat
Peter Björnström
Posted by: Susanna Hinshelwood
Vänner! Ni anar inte vilken glädje för mig att läsa om Er. Eran framgång! jag har en hörselskadat barnbarn 8-åriga Dennis, Han är en intelligent krabat och jag har bekymrat mig om Hans framtid. Nu vet jag att Han har sina obegränsade möjligheter. Tack för att ni finns. Mormor Susanna
Posted by: Lennart Jönsson
Henrik. Trevligt att följa ert äventyr, har nära rapportering från plugg-kamrat på Barkarby!! Just nu massor av QNH och QFF, magnetisk färdvinkel, MSL, upphållningsvind !!?!
Jobbar själv med att ändra attityder och försöka skapa relevanta insatser för att hjälpa personer med funktionshinder att komma i jobb. Organisationen heter Misa. Funderar på om jag kan bistå er med sponsring.
Superkul att ni vågar satsa - lycka till med nästa etapp. Har du tid och lust kan du maila mig... = Lennart
Posted by: Henrik
Of course, you are right, it should be Bekol and nothing else, thanks!
2006-03-28 @ 19:11:14 GMT+2
Posted by: TDDPirate
I was in the presentation in Bekol, sitting next to the two women in the picture and survived the event to blog about it in
P.S.: Bekol is the HOH organization which welcomed you. BEDEK is the name of a different organization, related to aviation but unrelated to the HOH. But then I probably misspelled, in my blog, the name of the center where the presentation was held - I found only the Hebrew spelling of the donor's name.
2006-03-28 @ 18:04:11 GMT+2
Posted by: Rebecca
Vilka äventyr! Förstår att ni har fullt upp, men lova att ni då och då stannar upp och NJUTER av allt runt omkring, som tex solen och värmen...! En annan har just varit ute och skottat 2dm blötsnö... =)
2006-03-28 @ 13:25:04 GMT+2
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