July 23rd: On our way to Oshkosh!
Unfortunately we have had some server problems which causes the location update on the website to not function. We hope that this problem will be fixed tomorrow. Anyhow we have progressed very well and we have now reached Tri-Cities in North Carolina (USA)! We are on our way to Oshkosh, one of the biggest aviation events in the world which takes place in Wisconsin between 24th of July to 30th of July. We will have a full week of meetings and aircraft demonstrations.
Since last blog we have been flying to Dominican Republic (a very beautiful country which we only had less than a day to discover) and Bahamas. Bahamas is a pure paradise and I would recommend all of you to go there and just enjoy millions of stunning sceneries. There is no other place on earth that has as clear water as Bahamas (my own opinion) and there are so many wonderful islands to go and visit. If you fly general aviation this place is even more a paradise. You are not required to file a flightplan and you can land free of charge on the hundreds of airstrips that are scattered on all islands. We did some island hopping and we were so amazed about everything! If we have to choose one place to recommend someone else to go and fly in it would probably be Bahamas! See some wonderful pictures below.
Stunning views over Bahamas
Plenty of airstrips in Bahamas to land (free of charge)
Another airstrip/island
It had been raining for several days in Bimini (which you probably can tell from this picture)
Today we flew from Bimini (North Western Bahamas) and over to Ft Lauderdale in Florida to check in through customs. After that we flew up to Tri Cities in North Carolina. There was plenty of thunderstorms along our way so we had good use of the stormscope and we had to do quite many turns around big areas of CB and thunderstorms. Along the way up to Tri Cities we also flew over one of the most beautiful airparks (a place where you build your house right next to the runway in a beautiful location such as www.siljanairpark.se) in the world – Mountain Air!
My favourite airpark (except from Siljan Airpark of course!
Tomorrow we are proceeding north to Oshkosh.
Aircraft prepared for Oshkosh
Written by Johan
Posted by: Ivan Tcherniaev
I stopped by your plane this morning, but did not catch you. How about lunch or dinner today? My treat. Call me on my cell phone, 1-801-808-3313.
Posted by: Henrik
Hi Ivan,
we are parked east of the FBO at the terminal!
Posted by: Ivan Tcherniaev
Where are you guys parked at Oshkosh? I'd like to stop by and say 'Hi'
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