Expedition blog

August 19th: WE DID IT!!!

We did it, we did it, we did it! What a wonderful feeling to cross the goal line in Stockholm and open up the canopy and hear the cheerings from more than 100 people welcoming us with big welcome signs! With six hands on the scissors, the WFH team cut the goal stripe together and marched in to the arms of our cheering friends, relatives and partners in the project. What a feeling!!!

The homecoming celebration was filled with activities such as our first homecoming speech, a celebration dinner with entertainment by Thomas "Elvis" Lindberg and a "mingelfest" with pictures shown from the expedition. We all ended up at the night club Kabyssen in beautiful Waxholm just outside Stockholm and we hade a great celebration!

We will get back as soon as we can with more information from the homecoming event and show you some pictures! Of course we intend to give you more updates and summaries from the expedition so stick around!

Written by Johan


Posted by: Cliff Kapololu
Hi Guys, I'm happy that you made it alright back to Sweden. I have been watching your progress. Come back to Hawaii anytime and you can fly my plane around. Keep in touch and have a good celebration. Aloha...Cliff

Posted by: Kenneth
Grattis till ett lyckat projekt!
Tyvärr jobbade jag när du landade men jag fick i alla fall nöjet att råka möta dig i gränden i måndags (då jag faktiskt var ledig).
Av nägon anledning känner jag på mig att du redan börjat planera nästa .......

Posted by: Magnus Bexell
Fantastiskt kul att följa er på webben
Man levde med.
Bra jobbat

Posted by: Christian Hagenfeldt
Stort GRATTIS till genomförandet av denna unika expedition. Det har varit ett nöje att följa er i bloggen. Starkt jobbat!

Posted by: Robert Chambers

It was a pleasure meeting you at Oshkosh this year. Please accept my warmest and sincere conratulations for the completion of your around the world flight. I look forward to seeing the team in Barbados one day.


Robert Chambers.

Posted by: TOM CLAYTOR
Well done you guys! The greatest adventure is the voyage of the human spirit. - TOM.

Posted by: Emm
Kul! Välkommen hem till STHLM!!

Posted by: carl callsen
congrat on your world flight around the world .i remember that we met at the eaa oshkosh at the paivilion with mel faurell .that im going to take flight lesson myself soon.
hope meet u guys soon

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